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Pooja Bhatt on people telling her to marry: A man can’t be a solution to a woman

At the moment, Pooja Bhatt is enjoying a new phase in her career through diverse roles. But she still finds herself grappling with relentless inquiries about her relationship status. She reveals she continues to field questions about her single status with people trying to set her up, which bothers her a lot.
“I’m often asked, ‘Why are you not married, why are you single. You’re doing so well for yourself. You’re an attractive woman. Come on, we have to make you meet somebody’ And I am like ‘Boss, I don’t need to be rescued’,” Pooja tells us when asked whether there are people around her who try to tame her.
Recently seen in the web show, Big Girls Don’t Cry, the 52-year-old adds, “If I need somebody, that person would be someone who can be a companion. I’m not looking for a solution. A man cannot be a solution to a woman. We have to be able to walk our own path.”
When it comes to her personal life, Pooja has lived her life as an open book with all her relationships being public. In the past, she has been in a relationship with Manish Makhija and Ranvir Shorey.
“If I find a companion, that would be the greatest gift. If I don’t, that’s okay because I am grateful for my life. I have my family. I got great wealth through my friendships. I have my dad. I have my work. Life is beautiful. I’m not incomplete because I’m single,” she asserts, revealing that she has people around her who want to take on the duty of being a matchmaker and set her up with somebody.
“Some people come up to me and say ‘shaadi kar le’, but kyun kar lun shaadi? They want to introduce me to someone. But I’m not looking for an introduction. I’m not looking for a matchmaker. If the universe wants me to meet somebody, it will happen. It will be a companion, not a solution,” says the actor, who is enjoying her professional life at the moment.
In recent times, she has also featured in projects such as Bombay Begums, Chup and Sanaa that has been getting critical acclaim at international festivals.
“I don’t have a set goal in life. I tie myself to work which I believe in, and that was the case with Big Girls Don’t Cry as well… I’m 52 years old, and I am happy to have the privilege to play strong, nuanced, well etched out characters,” she ends.
